4 Golden Rules for a Successful Interview

Sure, it might not be comparable to your wedding day, but for most of us interviews are pretty important. They tend to be the source of plenty of nerves, for the simple reason that they can open so many doors in our lives.

On some occasions, you might not get a job as you are not properly qualified, or because there is someone who is simply more equipped for the job in hand.

However, there can be times where your destiny is more in your hands and you can control the situation somewhat. Through today’s piece, we will look at four golden rules that you simply must abide by in a bid for interview success.

Rule #1 – Know the company

It’s the oldest piece of advice in the book, but first and foremost you must know as much about the company as is reasonably possible.

This means finding out a brief history, looking into their product lines and anything else that might affect your role. If you don’t do this, it suggests to the interviewing panel that you haven’t done your homework and ultimately, you’re not completely bothered about the role you are applying for.

Rule #2 – Know the dress code

Following on from the previous point, something else that you must look into is the dress code. Sometimes, this will form part of your company research.

For example, if you find that the company in question is quite formal, your dress code should follow this direction as well. It might mean turning to these high heels from headoverheels.co.uk, or anything else to just make your overall appearance that little bit more sophisticated.

It might also work the other way. The general rule in interviews is to overdress rather than the opposite, but if you know for a fact that the firm interviewing you is extremely casual you might be able to relax your outfit as well.

Remember, first impressions are crucial and your interview attire can aid immensely with this.

Rule #3 – SCO

Some people hate acronyms, but for this situation it’s probably the best way to talk about your answers in the interview environment.

SCO is short for situation, contribution, outcome. You need to be talking about all of these areas in each answer that you give to the interviewer. You need to be giving specific examples about your work, to show that you are the real deal and can make a positive contribution to their business.

Rule #4 – Use your body language wisely

Finally, another rule we really can’t emphasize enough comes in the form of body language. Believe it or not, this often trumps verbal communication – so getting it right from the outset is of paramount importance.

What constitutes getting it right? Everything from not crossing your arms too much to not putting your hands in your pockets counts. It is actions such as these which can really portray the wrong image and immediately reduce the chances of success at the interview you are attending.